How to Overcome Common WiFi Problems

Submitted by Tech Support on Mon, 11/14/2022 - 15:25
overhead view of connection issues on laptop, frustrated employee

WiFi is an excellent tool and a critical part of our day-to-day lives. You probably don't think about it too much, though--except when it's not working properly. The good news is that most wireless issues can be solved with the right information and a little bit of know-how--so here are a few helpful answers to keep in your back pocket!

Solving Wireless Issues: The First Steps

Most, if not all, of your office technology is connected to WiFi. Even the fridge in the break room or the phones in everyone's hands are connected--which means even the smallest WiFi hiccup can cause a lot of strife. That's why it's important to know what to do before you even start considering solutions:

#1: Take a deep breath

Although ill-timed wireless issues can seem like the end of the world, there are ways to make it through the crisis. Just take a deep breath and think about alternatives.

For example, maybe you need to look up answers to your WiFi questions. In that case, cellular data on your phone might be a quick solution.

However, say the WiFi is down and you have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it, but your whole team is expected to be on a call in about 10 minutes. While it may not be an ideal approach, you could find a nearby restaurant offering free WiFi. Just remember not to share any private or sensitive information on these networks.

#2: Gather information

Once you've handled immediate inconveniences surrounding your WiFi failure, it's time to start gathering data about the wireless issues themselves. To provide good information to your IT provider or in-house IT staff, you need to offer:

  • A description of the issue.
  • When and where the problem occurred.
  • Which devices are experiencing the problem.
  • How many people noticed the same issue.

#3: Find out if your wireless issues are widespread

You might not be the only one struggling with your WiFi. Do a quick search using cellular data or a free WiFi network to see if your whole area, other users of your network provider, or anyone else is experiencing similar issues. If that's the case, there might not be much you can do but wait for a solution.

Solutions to Common Wireless Issues

The good news is that most wireless issues can be solved by rolling up your sleeves and getting to work. Here's a look at some top problems and helpful answers:

Slow Internet

Slow WiFi can be a huge frustration. If it only occurs in one area or room, try moving your router to a more centralized location, as it might not be able to reach every corner of your workspace from its current spot.

If, on the other hand, your connection is slow no matter where you are in your building or workplace, you might have bigger wireless issues. Try these approaches:

  • Switch the channel on your router. WiFi channels sometimes get overcrowded.
  • Perform a factory reset on your router. Just make sure to set things up properly.
  • Get a new router or modem. When these are at the end of their lifespan, they can cause connectivity issues.

Device Connection Troubles

Does one of your devices refuse to connect to WiFi? Here are a few ideas:

  • Turn WiFi off and on again from your device.
  • Delete your network from your device's network list and then reconnect.
  • Restart your device.
  • Restart your router.

If all your devices are having connection troubles, you'll need to shift your focus to the network itself:

  • Connect to your router directly. Use an Ethernet cable and your laptop. Success means you have wireless issues; failure means the internet is down and there's not much you can do.
  • Reset your router. Unplug the device, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in.
  • Get a new router. Your current one may be unable to handle the demands of so many devices at once, or it may just be at the end of its lifespan.

Bad Updates

It's smart to update your software as soon as possible, but that doesn't always go your way. In some cases, a software update can interrupt your device's ability to connect to your network.

If you're sure this is a software problem, your best bet is to wait for a solution from the manufacturer--usually in the form of a patch. You'll need to roll back to the previous operating system version to connect again.

When Wireless Issues Get Serious

In some cases, wireless issues are due to a security breach. That's not always something you can handle alone--which is why every business needs a shield like Digital Watchdog. This solution doesn't just monitor your machines and networks; it also protects against the kinds of malicious connectivity issues that a hacker might use to halt your security processes or otherwise hurt your business.

In conclusion, no matter what kind of wireless issues you face, it's best to have a plan--and to have it ahead of time, too.

Are you worried about wireless issues? Do you need a little help from Digital Watchdog protection? Contact us today!

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