
How to Overcome Common WiFi Problems

Posted on Nov 14 2022.
overhead view of connection issues on laptop, frustrated employee

WiFi is an excellent tool and a critical part of our day-to-day lives. You probably don't think about it too much, though--except when it's not working properly. The good news is that most wireless issues can be solved with the right information and a little bit of know-how--so here are a few helpful answers to keep in your back pocket!

When a Hardware Upgrade Is Smart (and When It's Not)

Posted on Nov 7 2022.
Upgrade text on laptop screen

These days, everything can be upgrades: Your car, your phone, even your workspace. When it comes to hardware, are these upgrades always smart--or do they leave your company on the back foot? Here's what to know and how to plan your next hardware upgrade.

Fixes for a Slow Computer

Posted on Oct 24 2022.
turtle climbing on a wireless mouse and keyboard

Does your computer wake up about as enthusiastically as a teenager on a lazy summer day? Do you find yourself waiting ages for apps to load or windows to open? If so, you may have office technology troubles--and today's tech tip (along with a little help from managed IT services) can make a big difference.

Why Employees Need 2 Monitors (Or More!)

Posted on Oct 17 2022.
two workers collaborating on two screen setup

Have you ever seen a workplace setup where the worker has two or more monitors? It might look somewhat like the a control center, or even the cabin of a spaceship--but the truth is that it comes with a lot of benefits for the here and now. Let's take a look at why this office technology upgrade is a great fit for your business!

Your Guide to a Windows 11 Upgrade

Posted on Oct 10 2022.
Windows 11 on laptop screen

What is Windows 11? How different is it from Windows 10? When is the right time to upgrade? In today's tech tip, we'll tell you everything you need to know. Let's get started!

Welcome to Windows 11

Windows 11 is the latest version of Microsoft's operating system (OS), originally released in October 2021. While it may feel familiar to any long-time Windows users, it introduces plenty of new features--including a host of security updates that will help protect your data like never before.

When Should Hardware Be Refreshed?

Posted on Oct 3 2022.
keyboard button says refresh with circular symbol

As you've probably noticed, the tech industry seems to "refresh" itself every few months. You don't have to wait very long for a new version of your favorite app, phone, computer, or even network solution. However, that doesn't mean you have to refresh at the same rate as the entire tech industry.

Here's a look at hardware refreshes--what they are, how often they should happen, and why managed IT and IT network services are a great place to start.

IT Security for Business Emails

Posted on Sep 26 2022.
finger touching email symbol, security concept

How many emails do you read and write in a single day? The number is probably pretty high--and if you're putting your company's data at risk every time you hit "send," you're opening way too many doors to IT security issues. The good news is that there are plenty of best practices to improve your email habits--and today, we're sharing all of our favorite tips. Let's get started!

Your VoIP Questions, Answered

Posted on Sep 19 2022.
hand dialing phone, VoIP technology concept

Although VoIP phone systems aren't exactly a new technology--they've been available since the 1990s--they've been through a lot of evolution. That means businesses often have questions about VoIP, how these systems work, and whether VoIP is really better than a traditional landline.

Here are some of your biggest VoIP questions:

An Educator's Guide to Digital Whiteboards

Posted on Sep 10 2022.
teacher using digital whiteboard in front of students

If you're an educator looking for new, exciting ways to engage students in the learning process, you've come to the right place. A digital whiteboard can bring educational topics to life, giving everyone the chance to interact with content and learn in more ways than one. Here's everything you need to know about this impressive technology (and why it deserves a place in your classrooms).

Print Security in a Post-Pandemic World

Posted on Sep 2 2022.
employee on virtual call surrounded by printed materials at home

A few years ago, no one thought they'd have to redesign their entire business plan around a pandemic. Now, however, everyone is facing new challenges and expectations--and without a "rulebook" for a post-pandemic world, companies like yours are bound to have questions.

Today, we're taking a closer look at print security and what you can do to protect your machines from everything that comes with the often-cited "new normal."

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